Services Provided

Services the Parish Council Provide & Links to Other Local Government Services

The Parish Council are able to help on a number of local matters, through their resources and/or services shown below, together with signposting residents to either Borough or County Council tiers of local government.

Parish Council Services

Freedom of Information (Model Publication Scheme)

Charges for information requests (as may be applicable)

Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities

In December 2014 the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) issued the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities. The Code is a requirement for smaller authorities to make information available for local people to increase democratic accountability. The information for each financial year will be available after the end of the financial year on 31 March and by 1 July at the latest. The exceptions to this are the list of councillors & their responsibilities and the minutes, agendas and papers of formal meetings which are published on an ongoing basis. 

You can access all the information that the Council is required to publish under the Transparency Code by following the links shown below.

FINANCIAL YEAR (2023 - 2024)

End of year accounts
Bank Reconciliation
Explanation of Variances
Items of expenditure above £100
Annual governance statement
Internal audit report
List of councillor/member responsibilities
Details of public land and building assets - None
Minutes, agendas & meeting papers

FINANCIAL YEAR (2022 - 2023)

End of year accounts
Bank Reconciliation
Explanation of Variances
Items of expenditure above £100
Annual governance statement
Internal audit report
List of councillor/member responsibilities
Details of public land and building assets - None
Minutes, agendas & meeting papers

FINANCIAL YEAR (2021 - 2022)

End of year accounts
Bank Reconciliation
Explanation of Variances
Items of expenditure above £100
Annual governance statement
Internal audit report
List of councillor/member responsibilities
Details of public land and building assets - None
Minutes, agendas & meeting papers


The Parish Caretaker is contracted by the Council to carry out work within the parish boundaries, for example; cutting back overgrowth, clearing drains, etc.

Clerk to the Council

Clerk's Contact Details

Communication & Information Sources

This Web Site

Noticeboards     View their locations

Clerk's Report    View Minutes from Annual Parish Meetings

Conservation & Landscape Character Areas

Visit the website for the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

View the Leathley Conservation Area Appraisal

View the following Landscape Character Assessments:

Wharfedale South Facing Valley
Lower Washburn Valley
Stainburn Moor, Lindley Moor & Sandwith Moor
Upland/Farmland, South West Harrogate
Farmland, Wharfe Valley Side
Flat Valley, River Wharfe


Councillor's Roles & Contact Details

Community Grants 

An annual grass-cutting grant is provided by Harrogate Borough Council

Highways Information (County Council)

Visit the website for North Yorkshire County Council

Incident Reporting (Local Matters)

Report It to the Parish Clerk

Planning Process

View a description of the local planning process

Visit the Planning Portal on Harrogate Borough Council's website

Borough Council Services

Harrogate Borough Council is the second tier of Local Authority, and is the administrative authority for the collection of Council Tax within its bounds. Their website has information & resources relating to such things as: refuse collection & recycling, Street cleansing, Markets, Cemeteries, Planning, Economic development, Housing, Cultural provision, Benefits, Bereavement, Business & rates, Council & local democracy, Crime & anti-social behaviour, Environmental health, Housing, Jobs, Sport & leisure, Licensing, Museums & galleries, Parking, Parks & open spaces, Planning, Tourism. Contact details are as follows:

Telephone  01423 500600

View an A to Z of Borough Services

Report an Incident to Harrogate Borough Council

District Councillor for the Washburn Ward

View contact details for Councillor Victoria Oldham

County Council Services

North Yorkshire County Council is the 'first tier' of local authority covering the whole of the County, and is the largest by area in the UK. It has responsibility for the provision of services such as Education & Learning, Libraries & Archives, Health & Social Care, Transport & Streets, Children & Families, Registrar Services, Fire & Public Safety, Highways, Planning, Leisure & Tourism. The Council’s headquarters are in Northallerton. Contact details are as follows:

Telephone  01609 780780

View an A to Z of County Services

Report an Incident to North Yorkshire Councty Council

County Councillor for the Washburn & Birstwith Division

View contact details for Councillor Nathan Hull

Member of Parliament for Skipton & Ripon