Meeting Dates, Agendas, Minutes
How We Make Decisions
How We Make Decisions
The Council's decision making process is recorded through published agendas and minutes. Information may be excluded which is properly regarded as private to the meetings. Reports, consultation papers, and planning considerations as presented to council for consideration or response are also included in the minutes.
Details of Future Meetings
Details of Future Meetings
This information is also posted on the noticeboards located in each village:
View Locations of the Noticeboards
Meetings are held in the Leathley Village Hall at 8.00pm, on the 2nd Thursday of the month in question, unless otherwise stated
Future Scheduled Meetings:
Future Scheduled Meetings:
13th March (Annual Parish Meeting)
8th May (Annual General Meeting)
Consultation Papers and Responses
Consultation Papers and Responses
View the Leathley Conservation Area Appraisal from June 2010